URL Manager Pro 2.0

New Release: URL Manager Pro 2.5!

What's New
URL Manager Pro 2.0 adds the following new features:
Finding Duplicates

The most requested feature: finding duplicates. Just choose Find Duplicates from the Clean Up submenu. URL Manager will show you the duplicates by painting a small icon (||) next to the bookmark icon. See below for an example.


A Duplicate Bookmark.

More Information: see the corresponding chapter in the Documentation.


With the new Remote submenu from the File Menu you can download and upload bookmark files to a FTP server. URL Manager Pro uses Fetch or Anarchie to do the actual FTP transfer.

More Information: see the corresponding chapter in the Documentation.

Favorites Window

In the Favorites Window you can organize five sets of bookmarks. You have access to these sets in the shared URL Manager icon menu and via a new Control Strip Module: Mondriaan.

More Information: see the corresponding chapter in the Documentation.

Bookmark Contextual Menu
Use Control-Click on a bookmark or folder icon to get the Bookmark Popup Menu. This popup menu is a real Contextual Menu under Mac OS 8.

See the screenshot below for an overview of all the commands.

The Sort Bookmarks sorts the selection of bookmarks.

The Mail Bookmark To command creates a new message window in your E-Mail application and copies the URL of the bookmark to the message window.

The Mail Document To command creates a new message window and attaches the current URL Manager bookmark file as a file attachment. When you have the StuffIt Engine in your Extensions Folder, URL Manager will automatically compress the file!


Bookmark Contextual Menu.

More Information: see the corresponding chapter in the Documentation.

URL Manager Pro 2.0 is Kaleidoscope-savvy. This means that URL Manager will use the color schemes of Kaleidoscope to color its toolbar and window headers. See this page for an example of URL Manager Pro in the Apple Grayscale, Sherbet and Onyx color theme.
Mac OS 8

Changes have been made to support the Mac OS 8 look and feel. This includes a grayish look for user dialogs and making use of the new Mac OS 8 progress bars.

URL Manager Pro supports the Internet Address Detectors (IAD) of Mac OS 8. Supplied with URL Manager Pro are two action files. You can now easily save detected URLs in text to URL Manager Pro via the contextual menu. Read more about IAD for URL Manager Pro.

Support for Appearance color themes will follow in URL Manager Pro 2.1.

Mac OS 8 Plug-in

With the URL Manager Pro Contextual Menu Manager (CMM) Plug-in for MS Internet Explorer 4.0 you can press on a hypertext link in a browser window and then choose "Add Link to URL Manager" from the Contextual Menu.

Other Enhancements
Support for the full ISO Latin character set. (i.e. ü is exported correctly to HTML).
A new Scan Clipboard command to find all URLs in the Clipboard.
Imports all Address Book folders from Eudora Pro.
Grab All now adds a bookmark for the specified Web Page also.
A new preference to show shared menus in Web Browsers only.
Quick Open submenu added to the File Menu.
Support for the F2, F3, F4 and del key.
A few bugs fixed.

Release Notes 2.0.5.
Upgrade Info
URL Manager Pro 2.0 is a free upgrade for all users who purchased URL Manager Pro in 1997. Users who purchased URL Manager Pro in 1996 are asked to pay a $10 upgrade fee. URL Manager Pro 2.0 requires a new registration key.

Registered 1997 users: You should have received your new key by now. If not, please contact support.

Registered 1996 users: Please order your URL Manager Pro 2.0 Upgrade ($10) online.

Download - New Release URL Manager Pro 2.5!

URL Manager Pro is shareware. Please download URL Manager Pro 2.5.

1. Download 2.5 (USA)

2. Download 2.5 (Europe)

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