URL Manager Pro 2.0 can both find duplicates as well as delete them.
You can decide to only
Optionally, you can choose to not delete the duplicate bookmarks but to move them to a special folder named "Waste Basket".
Choose Find Duplicates from the Clean Up submenu. URL Manager will show you the duplicates by painting a small icon (||) next to the bookmark icon. See below for an example.
A Duplicate Bookmark.
When you now want to delete all the duplicates choose the Delete... command from the Clean Up submenu. The Delete dialog is shown (see below). Check the "Duplicate URLs" option and press Delete. URL Manager Pro will delete all duplicates for you.
Optionally, you can choose to not delete the duplicate bookmarks but to move them to a special folder named "Waste Basket". Check the option "Don't delete but move", if you want that.
Alternatively, you can of course delete the duplicates manually by selecting a bookmark and typing the Delete or Backspace key.
The Delete Dialog.
It is also possible to automatically combine the above two steps in finding and deleting duplicates. The Delete Duplicates command from the Edit Menu menu deletes all duplicate bookmarks from the document in one step.
Note that an Undo command is not available. Instead use the Revert To Saved command from the File Menu.