Use Control-Click on a bookmark or folder icon to get the Bookmark Contextual Menu. All the commands in this popup menu act upon the selected bookmark(s). There is one exception: the Mail Document To command acts on the file the selected bookmark is in. Below a picture of the popup menu.
Use Control-Click on white space in a URL Manager document to get a Contextual Menu with commands that act on the whole document.
The Bookmark Contextual Menu.
The Open Bookmark command opens the bookmark(s) in the preferred Internet Helper application.
The Open In New Window command opens the bookmark(s) in a new web browser window.
With the Open In Browser command you can select the web browser where you want the bookmark(s) to open.
The Sort Bookmarks command sorts the selection of bookmarks.
The Copy To Clipboard command copies the bookmark(s) to the Clipboard. The format of the bookmark is determined by the Preferences "Copy To Clipboard". (see Preferences).
The Mail Bookmark To command creates a new message window in your E-Mail application and copies the URL(s) of the bookmark(s) to the message window.
The Mail Document To command creates a new message window and attaches the current URL Manager bookmark file as a file attachment. When you have the StuffIt Engine in your Extensions Folder, URL Manager will automatically compress the file!
You can build the E-Mail bookmarks lists for the above two commands by editing the Friends set of the Favorites Window.
The Save Bookmark... command creates a file that contains the URL (Netscape format).
The Get Info... command shows the Get Info dialog.
With the Colorize command you can give a color to the selected bookmark.